Carbon offsetting is vital to your cleaner, greener business and lifestyle
Practice shows that it is impossible to reduce our carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions to zero, no matter how hard we try.
One of the biggest causes of environmental degradation is greenhouse gas emission. In particular, CO2 emissions. Moreover, they grow as a result of all our activities, for which we have to burn fossil energy.
"The unfashionable truth is that the only way to take direct responsibility for those emissions is to enable an equivalent amount to be absorbed, or avoid being emitted, elsewhere. In short, to offset." ⁓Martin Wright, Guardian Sustainable Business
carbon-neutral website
certifies your voluntary contribution to make the Internet more climate-friendly.
Choose Website Offset from the menu to compensate for the carbon emissions caused by your website and social media presence by supporting verified climate protection projects.
Choose Website Offset from the menu to compensate for the carbon emissions caused by your website and social media presence by supporting verified climate protection projects.
Carbon dioxide is one of the most damaging greenhouse gases. So, what does the greenhouse effect mean? At first, the rays of the sun arrive in the Earth's atmosphere. Concurrently, the atmosphere reflects those, but not as much of them as it should.
The certified carbon-neutral lifestyle
demonstrates to the public that the CO2 emissions caused by
your lifestyle compensated for credibly.
In other words, the atmosphere traps the rays of the sun, as in a foil tent or greenhouse. As a result, this is what causes global heating on Earth.
What is it that can really help? Are there any projects that can
neutralize our carbon emissions?
There is a solution that not for calming our conscience only,
but for a real contribution to solving global issues amid climate
The activities of these projects are to reduce CO2
emissions and atmospheric pollution. In fact, they produce renewable energy
to help cut back the need for fossil energy production.
Now it is your turn to neutralize those your
CO2 emissions you could not eliminate
any other way only by purchasing high-quality carbon offsets.
Don't hesitate to contact me if you have any questions!