"The pros and cons of planting trees to address global warming"

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The pros and cons of planting trees to address global warming, Self-service residual carbon offset, Carbon-neutral website, Carbon-neutral lifestyle, GoForZeroCO2, ZeroCO2

"A campaign to plant one trillion trees made headlines. Experts say it's not a panacea.

It seems like such a simple, straightforward, empowering idea: plant trees – a lot of trees – all over the world, and watch the planet’s temperature fall.

Who doesn’t love a tree or two, even far more – the right tree in the right place?

Along with the refreshing shade they provide on hot days, trees of course also store carbon, and they’ll suck it right out of our fragile atmosphere as they grow. Who could argue with more trees, more forests – more shade! – in a warming world? Nary a soul, one suspects, whether of conventional “tree hugger” category or rabid climate science detractor." ~Bruce Lieberman @Yale Climate Connections
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Photo by Noah Buscher on Unsplash
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