"Climate change is universities' most important mission"

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Climate change is universities' most important mission. Read the full article by Lauren Rickards and Tamson Pietsch @University World News. Carbon offsetting is vital to your cleaner, greener business and lifestyle. Make your website and lifestyle carbon-neutral first, by a self-service carbon offsetting at https://en.zeroco2.cf/blog/

"Universities are confronting the possibility of profound sector-wide transformation due to the continuing effects of COVID-19. It is prompting much-needed debate about what such transformation should look like and what kind of system is in the public interest.

This is now an urgent conversation. If universities want a say in what the future of higher education will look like, they will need to generate ideas quickly and in a way that attracts wide public support.

This will involve articulating their unique role as embedded, future-regarding, ethical generators of crucial knowledge and skills, well-equipped to handle coming contingencies and helping others do the same." ~Lauren Rickards and Tamson Pietsch @University World News
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