"Climate change requires system change"

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Climate change requires system change. Read the full article by Peter Mather @The Narwhal. Carbon offsetting is vital to your cleaner, greener business and lifestyle. First, make your website and lifestyle carbon-neutral by a self-service carbon offsetting at https://en.zeroco2.cf/blog/

"Understanding environmental destruction as a systemic problem is a starting point for a different way to deal with the climate crisis.

Youth strikes and Extinction Rebellion actions have pushed the climate crisis up the agenda over the last couple of years. The audience for debate on green ideas is incomparably larger than it was even in the run-up to the climate summits at Copenhagen or Paris.

While Covid-19 has put a temporary stop to mass campaigning on the streets, it has also given a new urgency to the warnings that destroying the environment threatens us all.

Given this, however, we cannot continue to be unspecific about the action required to address the climate crisis. At some point, we will have to move from a position of simply calling for action to setting out our vision of how we could get to a post-climate-crisis world." ~Elaine Graham-Leigh @The Ecologist