"How to talk to your friends and family about the climate crisis"

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How to talk to your friends and family about the climate crisis

"Bringing up the climate crisis at a dinner party - it's not exactly the most seamless conversation transition. So do you avoid it altogether or confidently speak up?

Environmental matters can often be divisive, with discussions leaving us disheartened, especially if the other party doesn’t share the same convictions. As a result, many of us are reluctant to be the ones to initiate them. A survey done in 2013 in the US found that while two-thirds of people said global warming was personally important to them, only a third were talking about the issue at least occasionally with friends and family. Some of the reasons listed were that it was “too political” or those they spoke to were simply “not interested”.

However challenging it may be, it is important that we talk about it, says the Yale Program on Climate Change Communication. If people concerned about the climate avoid voicing their thoughts because they don’t hear others doing the same, it leads to something they call the “spiral of silence”. We have to make an effort to dive in or that cycle won't be broken.

So how do we broach this often contentious topic? There is no one answer but getting a sense of how others approach the problem can provide some ideas on how to start the conversation." ~Rosie Frost @Euronews
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