How to apply 'Flygskam' to the internet?

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How to apply 'Flygskam' to the internet? Carbon offsetting is vital to your cleaner, greener business and lifestyle. Make your website and lifestyle carbon-neutral first, by a self-service carbon offsetting at

Climate conscious people started to support the initiative of Staffan Lindberg, a Swedish singer, to reduce or refuse flying to lower their carbon emissions.

Subsequently, the „flygskam” (flight shame) movement gained more popularity from 2018, backed with known names, among them the young climate activist Greta Thunberg.

The consequences of the idea quickly reached a measurable effect. In other words, the decreasing number of sold flight tickets caused perceptible losses at airlines in many countries. In light of unexpected and intensifying negative changes, it was discussed in 2019 at the annual International Air Transport Association (IATA) in Seoul,  how to combat the threat caused by the movement of flight shame.

On the other hand, there is a significant growth of the internet usage invoked by the lockdown.

What is the reason why it has to be analyzed together how we relate to commercial flights and our relation to the practice we use the world wide web daily?

As a matter of fact, commercial flights and the internet responsible for the same amount of carbon emissions, which equals approximately 2-2.5 percent of yearly global emissions. The situation is the same in both cases, which characterized by the absence of that technical solution, which excludes fueling with fossil fuels to generate energy requested for their functioning.

In short, carbon emissions generated by a non-excludable way are named as residual emissions.

For such kind of emissions, the accepted method of reduction all over the world is carbon offsetting.

It works this way: if residual carbon emissions added to the atmosphere, they can effectively, and proportionally compensated for by purchasing carbon offsets.

Behind carbon offsets, there are verified emission reductions that have been realized already, by recognized climate protection projects.

Get to know the uplifting feeling that increases the satisfaction of conscious travelers when they can report that their trips have caused as little carbon emissions as possible and have even been offset by high-grade carbon offsets.

With this in mind, first, check the stats of your internet presence, business or personal website, and social media profiles for the past 12 months. 

Second, click the Website offset option on the menu of my carbon-neutral website and find the carbon offsets corresponding to your stats row in the table appearing in a new tab.

As shown above, when a community of like-minded people starts doing something, it creates a new norm.

Join the movement of climate-friendly internet usage with your carbon-neutral website!

Disclosure: If you purchase carbon offsets, I may get a small commission. I only recommend what I’ve found valid, and you can check it clicking the sticky menu on the right side!