"Climate Crisis Linked to Pregnancy Complications"

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Climate Crisis Linked to Pregnancy Complications. Read the full article by Katherine Martinko @Treehuggers. Carbon offsetting is vital to your cleaner, greener business and lifestyle. Make your website and lifestyle carbon-neutral first, by a self-service carbon offsetting at https://en.zeroco2.cf/blog/

"Research reveals the dangers of heat and pollution for pregnant women, affecting Black mothers most.

There are many reasons why the current climate crisis is bad, from reducing food yields to threatening water supplies to increasing the severity of natural disasters. But one of the biggest concerns is the impact climate change has on human health, including the health of the human fetus. And as it turns out, it is affecting pregnant Black women the most.

Several studies have revealed in recent years how exposure to air pollution increases the risk of miscarriage, low birth weight, and preterm delivery, as well as deforming and shrinking sperm and making it harder to get pregnant. Now a major investigation, published in the Journal of the American Medical Association, has taken a closer look at climate change's impact on adverse pregnancy outcomes." ~Katherine Martinko @Treehugger