"The word 'sustainability' is dead"

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The word 'sustainability' is dead. Read the full article by Alex Massie @Resource Magazine. Carbon offsetting is vital to your cleaner, greener business and lifestyle. Make your website and lifestyle carbon-neutral first, by a self-service carbon offsetting at https://en.zeroco2.cf/blog/

"An explanation why the word ‘sustainability’ is out of date and increasingly redundant

Being ‘sustainable’ isn’t enough anymore, sustaining our current existence in the current way will result in collapse of ecosystems and extinction of much life, including perhaps ourselves, so organisations are choosing to set themselves new ambitions.

Organisations tend to choose one of five levels of ambition, which I’ve listed below, along with basic explanations. The first level, decarbonisation, is the least ambitious, and the fifth level, declaring an ecological emergency, is where I think we all need to be.

New levels of ambition

1. Decarbonisation
2. Achieving Net Zero 
3. Achieving Zero Carbon 
4. Declaring a climate emergency
5. Declaring an ecological emergency"

~Alex Massie @Resource Magazine