Wich is the biggest coal-fueled machine on the planet?

Your carbon-neutral website certifies your voluntary contribution to curb the climate crisis.
Click Website Offset to compensate for the carbon emissions caused by your website with high-class carbon offsets by supporting verified climate protection projects.

Which is the biggest coal-fueled machine on the planet? Carbon offsetting is vital to your cleaner, greener business and lifestyle. Make your website and lifestyle carbon-neutral first, by a self-service carbon offsetting at https://en.zeroco2.cf/blog/

The Internet is the biggest coal-fueled machine on our planet, demanding 10 percent of electricity generated globally. 

Besides, the growth of its usage is unavoidable.

In addition,  the data tell that the carbon emissions generated by internet providers and by users reach the emissions of the countries, known as the greatest polluters, soon.

So, the green recovery after the COVID-19 pandemic requires a more climate-friendly Internet. 

There is a solution — the success and popularity of which lies in the fact that it is capable of aligning both economic, social, and climate interests.

Click Website Offset where individuals and businesses can compensate for their carbon emissions, caused by their internet presence by supporting verified climate protection projects.
Photo credit: Bert Kaufmann on Visual hunt / CC BY